Big Trouble with Small fragments: Treatment of Juxta-articular NonUnions
Many NonUnions near the knee and ankle joint have very small fragments. Traditional methods do not permit reliable and accurate fixation of these fragments or to heal the NonUnions. Using innovative Ilizarov techniques this can be safely and effectively done to achieve union.
Panacea for NonUnions
NonUnions present with several problems. They need to be addressed in their entirety. Comprehensive solution to all problems in NonUnions is possible with judicious use of Ilizarov method. it is not expensive physiologically and seemingly hopeless situations can be remedied. Indeed a Panacea.
Bone Transport Docking Tips
Bone Transport is a revolutionary method which allows Bone Gaps caused by trauma or infection or any other cause to be filled up using naturally regenerated bone . Our experience over 24 years to make the job simpler for surgeons to achieve haling at the Bone gap site is discussed in this lecture.